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How to pick and use the best knowledge base builder in 2023

Gone are the days when lengthy how-to-use product manuals and guides could be of any help. Today, both customers and customer support representatives are not at all appreciative about any sign of information overload and lack the time and energy to read through lengthy written explanations. Businesses have realized the fact that they need to have structurally sound Knowledge base systems created with intelligent modern-day knowledge base builder for this very reason.  Knowledge base builder, both external and internal (customer-facing or for employees) are vital to your business.

A knowledge base builder is a great tool that takes agent productivity and customer satisfaction to the next level. It enables an organization to turn their knowledge base into an asset by enabling the creation, organization, and management of information through a unified platform.

But, while it’s true that a knowledge management process offers a highly distinct advantage in the competitive marketplace, a company can experience a viable disadvantage if not done right.

Fortune 500 companies lose roughly “$31.5 billion a year by failing to share knowledge”, a very scary figure in this global economy filled with turbulence and change.

What are the challenges that organizations face with their knowledge management process?

There are quite a few challenges of knowledge management. In this section, let us take a look at some of the most common ones.

Lack of easy to use/ user-friendly interface: This makes it difficult for the users to search the specific information, find resources, expertise, or information they need and makes it far more time-consuming than it should be. Poor user interface also fails in delivering personalized experience to your customers. Another disadvantage of not having a friendly interface is to keep knowledge in an easily accessible form becomes a challenge​. Also, at an enterprise level it becomes tricky to ensure data privacy and security for protecting intellectual assets.

Lack of tools and limited resources: Storing the ever-increasing, vast, and exhaustive information becomes difficult due to obsolete tools and inefficient resources​. Categorizing and organizing articles becomes complex as updating data and information in real time without creating multiple versions sounds next to impossible​.

Older systems that rely on a decentralized architecture– These can create another challenge with knowledge management process. Decentralization can confuse the users to find out whether information is stored on a network drive, in the cloud, or in one of several databases.

However, an efficient knowledge base builder provides a centralized hub of information for users. This organized repository of information can further reduce the number of customer support tickets and enable users to help themselves through a self-serve approach. It brings users up to speed on their own, offering round the clock support, saving time, and offering multilingual support across channels of their choice.

And, to create such a knowledge base, you need a knowledge base builder. But while there are several Knowledge Base builder platforms present in the market how do you pick the right one for your business?

Here are some basic functionalities you must keep in mind when selecting a knowledge base builder platform.

  1. Comprehensive search feature: Today’s customers anticipate prompt responses. As a result, your knowledge base needs to feature an easy-to-use search engine so that users can quickly get answers using the phrases they intend.
Platform presentation of comprehensive search option
Platform presentation of comprehensive search option

2. Simple administration of content: A knowledge base builder is a single platform that allows each user group interacting with the platform to access the knowledge base basis their role. Hence the dashboard, content editor, knowledge management and other elements should be easy enough to use without any technical knowledge.

3. Easy installation and customization– User friendly and Easy-to-use customization options help you blend your knowledge portal with your branding style. This expedites the overall process and helps you with faster go-lives. 

4. Editable templates and personalization options​– These features help in building knowledge base faster while customization options let you tweak your content as per the requirements.

Platform image of the editable templates and personalization options
Platform image of the editable templates and personalization options

5. Multilingual support– The knowledge base builder that supports various languages lets you convert your knowledge base content into customer preferred languages to provide customer support across on wider level.

6. Out-of-the-box approach to Integration- By supplying a shared data set and automated workflows, seamless integration streamlines operations and makes it simpler to manage information and activities quickly and effectively.

7. Support for search engine optimization – The knowledge base builder should support common SEO factors such as headlines, meta tags, meta descriptions etc. and should be able to produce search engine-optimized documentation and guides.

8. Analytics reporting– The knowledge base builder platform should notify you about what articles or information your users are looking for. So accordingly, you can add those articles and resources to your knowledge base.

9. Maker & Checker platform– This feature helps in minimizing errors while keeping track of all the operations performed. It further ensures that the operations involved in the knowledge management process are executed accurately and rightfully.

Over to you: Get started with a leading knowledge base builder.

​Nowadays, businesses are creating an insane amount of information in the form of user data, company documents, tutorial videos, and digital support resources. Because of this, it’s crucial to collect, organize, and make this data accessible across stakeholders.

To learn more about how a knowledge base builder can help your organization improve productivity, employee experience, customer experience, and take your customer satisfaction to new heights, Schedule a demo with our AI expert today.

Akshada Benke

Senior content developer- Marketing

Akshada Benke is a content marketer at with more than twelve years of experience in digital content marketing field. She describes herself as a Philomath. She is confident & professional in developing strong consumer-insights driven goals to build brand and relationships.